Psychology Core Studies OCR (participants)
- Created by: Olivia Kennedy
- Created on: 12-05-15 07:40
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- Participants
- Loftus and Palmer
- Experiment 1
- 45 ppts University of Washington
- Experiment 2
- 150 ppts University of Washington
- Experiment 1
- Baron- Cohen
- Autistic
- 16 ppts
- 13 male
- 3 female
- 13 male
- 16 ppts
- Normal
- 50 ppts
- 25 male
- 25 female
- 25 male
- 50 ppts
- Tourettes
- 10 ppts
- 8 male
- 2 female
- 8 male
- 10 ppts
- Autistic
- Rosenhan
- Hospital staff in 12 hospitals
- 8 pseudo patients
- 5 male, 3 female
- Thigpen and Cleckley
- Eve White, 25 years old
- Griffiths
- 60 ppts
- 30 RG's
- 29 male, 1 female
- 30 NRG's
- 15 male, 15 female
- 30 RG's
- 60 ppts
- Milgram
- 40 males, New Haven, USA
- Aged 20- 50 years
- 40 males, New Haven, USA
- Piliavin
- 4,450 men and women travelling on Eighth Avenue Subway
- 45% black, 55% white
- 4,450 men and women travelling on Eighth Avenue Subway
- Reicher and Haslam
- 332 applicants
- 27 men
- 15 men
- 27 men
- 332 applicants
- Sperry
- 11 split brain patients
- Maguire
- 16 right- handed, healthy London taxi drivers
- Compared with the MRI scans of 16 right- handed, healthy non taxi drivers
- 16 right- handed, healthy London taxi drivers
- Dement and Kleitman
- 9 ppts
- 7 male, 2 female
- 5 studied intensitively
- 7 male, 2 female
- 9 ppts
- Bandura
- 72 boys and girls, Stanford University Nursery School
- 36 boys, 36 girls
- 72 boys and girls, Stanford University Nursery School
- Samuel and Bryant
- 252 boys and girls, Crediton Devon
- Ages 5- 8.5
- 252 boys and girls, Crediton Devon
- Freud
- Little Hans
- Age 3 years at start of study
- Little Hans
- Loftus and Palmer
- Rosenhan
- Hospital staff in 12 hospitals
- 8 pseudo patients
- 5 male, 3 female
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