participation in sport
- Created by: Seb Dewhirst
- Created on: 13-06-13 21:20
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- Participation in Sport
- Age
- Flexibility decreases with age
- strength drecreases with age but, you have to be older to achieve maximum strength
- oxygen capacity reduces with age, heart becomes less efficient, arteries loose elasticity, increase blood pressure, reduces blood flow
- skill level improves with age as we grow and get stronger
- recovery takes longer with age, more chanceof injuries, increased graduall wearand tear on the body
- Disability in sport
- blind
- swimming has been adapted as the athletes know how many strokes they take in length or their coach can tap them on the head with a long pole
- wheelchair basketball
- the rules have been adapted e.g. the player must bounce the ball for every two rolls of the wheelchair
- learning disabilities
- 100m the coach can run along side the athlete to motivate him
- Facilities
- car parking spots,ramps automatic doors
- blind
- gender
- Physique - women tend to have wider hips and narrower shoulders
- men naturally have more stamina as females have smaller lungs
- Men are generally stronger
- females are prone to osteoporosis as the bone density decreases due to age
- females have increased flexibility
- females have a larger amount of body fat
- body types
- ectomorphic tall thin narrow shoulders narrow hip
- endomorph short dumpy round
- mesomorph small muscular wide shoulders, narrow hips
- Age
- females are prone to osteoporosis as the bone density decreases due to age
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