The Sports Participation Pyramid
- Created by: annabertram
- Created on: 04-02-15 16:18
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- Participation in Sport
- Foundation Stage
- The level that contains the most people.
- At the bottom of the pyramid.
- The level where people start or try an activity, where they only have the basic skills.
- The introductory stage.
- The level that includes the compulsory sport you do at school.
- Performance Stage
- People play in leagues (though not at top levels).
- It is competitive.
- Skill is improved by coaching and playing in competitions.
- It is non-compulsory.
- Elite (or excellence) Stage
- This stage is made up of relatively few performers, who are at national and international levels.
- Fewer people make it to this stage as it requires a huge amount of skill and determination.
- Participation Stage
- Fewer people are at the participation stage than at the foundation stage.
- Sport is at a slightly higher level than at the foundation stage, but it is not as competitive as at the performance stage.
- The level when you choose to continue with sport (e.g. playing in an after-school club).
- Foundation Stage
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