party funding
- Created by: AmeliaDuck
- Created on: 11-01-18 12:31
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- Party Funding
- Sources of funding
- Self fionance for candiates for office
- Loans from individuals or Banks "policy development grant" from electoral comission
- Hold fundraiser events
- Donations from supporters
- Electoral comission gives each party £2million "short money"
- Collect subcscription money from members
- implications of donations
- "cash for honours" the idea that those who give big donations get something in return like 2005 scandal
- large coperate companys may want a policy in return like
- "ocuntry wide developments" giving £233,000 to conservatives could be in support of lower tax or green belt building
- big party donatiopns
- politcal inequlity for donations
- Alternative funding
- state funding
- restrict who can give donations lik no big companys or PG's
- restrict donation amount
- tighter restirtiction on how much can be spent during elections
- Politcal parties, Elections and Referendum act 200
- People not on electoral role can make a donatioon to a party
- Placed limits n how much can be spent for elections
- donations over £500 had to be declared
- Donations over 7500 have to be put of a register and declared who gave it
- Sources of funding
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