Party Renewal
- Created by: EleanorCook8
- Created on: 14-12-17 11:41
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- Party Renewal
- Theories of party decline exaggerated
- Period of potential decline; Vietnam,Civil Rights, Watergate
- Potential 'Democrat' decline
- Period of potential decline; Vietnam,Civil Rights, Watergate
- Increased party involvement in Presidential nominations
- ObamaCare- split between Democrats agreeing, and Republicans opposing
- Parties act as blocks against legislation
- Generally vote on party lines
- Congress is now much more partisan
- ObamaCare- split between Democrats agreeing, and Republicans opposing
- Nationalization of campaigns
- 2006- '6 for '06'
- Democrats
- Said to have a 100 party system
- 50 Republican Parties and 50 Democrat Parties
- 1994- Contract with America
- Republicans- Newt Gingrich
- 2010- 'Pledge for America'
- Republicans
- 2006- '6 for '06'
- Increased partisanship in Congress
- Obama won due to super delegates
- Party made the decision
- Republicans however had no say over Trump becoming candidate
- Party Decline
- Obama won due to super delegates
- Theories of party decline exaggerated
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