Paul Tillich- Symbols overview
- Created by: _bella_
- Created on: 29-05-19 10:20
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- Paul Tillich- Symbols
- 4 main functions for symbols
- 3) They open up levels of reality that otherwise are closed to us
- 2) They participate in that to which they point
- They open up levels and dimensions of the soul that correspond to those levels of reality
- 1) they point to something beyond themselves (i.e. God)
- Strengths
- Symbolic language has deep + profound meaning that can only be explained in a limited way
- Rel. language is symbolic + points towards there being a God, it conveys fundamental truths
- Example of the flag as a symbol as it "participates in the power of the king or the nation for which it stands and symbolises"
- Criticisms
- Symbols change overtime- hindu sign for peace was adopted by Nazi's
- We can't try to understand God fully as he is transcendant
- Paul Edwards- symbols do not convey factual knowledge, thus they are meaningless
- The truth symbols direct us to cannot be verified or falsified as they are subjective + created by humans
- Technically one needs to be involved in the language game to understand the meaning of symbols in religion, if you aren't they become harder to understand
- 4 main functions for symbols
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