Homeostasis - Introduction
- Created by: kpritchard16
- Created on: 18-12-18 17:21
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- Homeostasis
- Maintaining stable conditions within the body through feedback/forward, keep body at set point
- Steps of controlling set point
- 1.Sensor detects signal 2.Afferent signalling pathway 3.Integrator 4.Efferent signalling pathway 5.Effector producing response
- Types of feedback/forward
- negative feedback
- Response counteracts the initial fluctuation
- Positive feedback
- Response magnifies a process or increases its output
- Feedforward
- anticipates change
- negative feedback
- Steps of controlling set point
- Internal environments regulated
- nutrient concentration
- gases
- Waste products
- pH
- water balance
- Volume and pressure
- Temperature
- Homeostasis control system
- interconnected network of cells/tissues that operate to maintain internal constancy
- Acclimatization
- physiological adjustment to a change in an environmental factor
- Circadian rhythm
- physiological clock of about 24hrs that is present and persists even in absence of external cues
- Local homeostatic responses
- responses acting in immediate vinicity of stimulus, without nerves or hormones. Has net effect of counteracting stimulus
- Maintaining stable conditions within the body through feedback/forward, keep body at set point
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