- Created by: Christine
- Created on: 12-02-13 19:50
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- P.E
- Exercise, diet, work and rest
- work
- can provide finance, motivation and opportunity
- Exercise
- provides the fitness necessary to work and enjoy life
- rest
- maintains a balance between work and exercies
- balanced diet
- provides essential nutrients for health, fitness, strength and well-being
- essential part of providing energy for exercise, rest, and repairing tissue
- energy blance
- calories in = calories out
- macro nutrients
- carbohdrates
- fats
- protein
- micro nutrients
- minerals- calcium, iron
- vitimins
- water
- fibre
- Optimum weight
- "most favourable"
- factors effecting
- Height
- bone structure
- gender
- diet
- injury
- exercise
- money
- stress
- genetics
- work
- Exercise, diet, work and rest
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