- Created by: lucyholly16
- Created on: 29-01-15 09:31
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- PE
- Motivational Strategies
- Motivation encourages children of -
- Different ability levels
- Disaffected children
- Extrinsic motivation comes in forms of -
- Tangible rewards (medals)
- Both are thought to be positive in attracting young people (early learning)
- Intangible rewards (praise from coach)
- Both are thought to be positive in attracting young people (early learning)
- Intangible rewards (praise from coach)
- Tangible rewards (medals)
- Extrinsic rewards provide status in the peergroup
- External motivation must be considered as a short term strategy
- Internal motivation is the key to lifelong participartion
- Gives learner positive feelings about their perfomance
- Established through positive reinforcement and setting achievable personal goals
- Once simulated, the coach endorses the value of participation and highlights confidence, personal satisfaction and self belief.
- Motivation encourages children of -
- Motivation & Arousal
- Intrinsic motivation -
- Describes the internal drive or feeling that makes us do things. Involves enjoyment of the performances, satisfaction of performing,pride and the feeling of well being.
- External Motivation
- describes the feeling coming from external sources
- Arousal
- it's a state of alertness and anticipation which prepares which prepares the body for action. We need the appropriate levels to help enhance our performance.
- A motive is seen as a cause of behaviour which energises, direct and sustains the behaviour.
- A motive is seen as a cause of behaviour which energises, directs and sustains the behaviour
- Drive to succeed/be succesful
- Beginners
- Experts
- Extrinsic Rewards
- Prizes/awards/praise/recognition/feedback
- Intrinsic Rewards
- Enjoyment/satisfaction/feeling within
- Intrinsic motivation -
- Motivational Strategies
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