Monatary forms of Motivation

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  • People in Organisations
    • Personal performance indicators
      • ABSENTEEISM = the number of staff absent as a percentage of the total number employed
      • LABOUR TURNOVER = The number of staff who leave each year as a percentage of the total number of staff employed
      • PRODUCTIVITY OF LABOUR = Total level of output in a givemn period divided by the total number of staff employed
    • Job Enrichement
      • When a job is redesigned to include more challenging and complex tasks - herzberg supported
      • Upping the range and complexity of tasks
      • Giving employees more responsibility to manage themselves
      • Allowing workers to identify and solve problems
      • Making sure they are trained to cope with tasks
    • Jon Enlargement
      • Does not raise complexity but asks employees to carry out more related tasks
      • company has employees doing more work
      • JOB ROTATION: employees switch between jobs to keep it interesting
      • EMPOWERMENT: Workers are more involved in decision making giving responsibility
    • Cell Production
      • workers divided into teams
      • Workers given autonomy and  responsibility
      • Team responsible for the quality of their work
      • Jobs can be rotated within their team
      • Each team responsible for a set number of tasks in the production process (enrichement)
    • Monetary forms of Motivation
      • PIECE/ WORK RATE: Employees are paid for the amount of work they produce
        • ADVANTAGES: managers dont need to push staff as much, keeps wages realistic (slower workers paid less) and piecework employees often dont get sick pay or holidays- no cover needed
        • DISADVANTAGES = poor quality as staff are trying to produce products quickly and may mean products cannot be used and have to be thrown away.
      • COMMISSION= paying sales personnel a basic wage which increases due to the number of sales they achieve
      • SALARIES AND WAGES = most employees paid annual salary. workers often have a minimum number of hours. overtime sometimes offered if employees work more
      • PROFIT SHARING/ RELATED PAY = if a business makes profit eployees may be given a proportion. rewads efforts and sense of belonging
      • SHARE OWNERSHIP = Offers employees to be more involved with a business, own part of it and when a profit is made rewarded through dividend
      • PERFORMANCE RELATED PAY = An employee will have an appraisal where they will be given a rating dependant on how well they work. Rating will lead to a gppd or bad bonus
        • DISADVANTAGES = Can be unfair if you dont get on with manageger, companies wont put enough money aside for bonuses and may be related to companies profits


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