Perception - Mind Map - Unit 2 - GCSE
Teacher recommended
?- Created by: Jade
- Created on: 23-03-13 09:25
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- Perception
- Key Concepts
- Sensation
- Perception
- Depth Cues
- Visual Constancies
- Core Study
- Aim: Test between top-down & bottom-up
- 9 male college students
- divided field
- different sized everyday objects
- Most accurate guessing everyday objects
- favoured top-down theory
- lacks ecological validity
- small sample
- 1 culture
- Core Theory: Constructivist
- Construct our perception of the world
- Top-Down Processing
- Past experiences
- Alternative: Nativist
- Born with perceptual functions
- Bottom-Up Processing
- Visual Cliff experiment
- Applications
- Advertising
- Context
- Motivation
- Key Concepts
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