personal statement mindmap
- Created by: Sunny
- Created on: 14-10-14 21:20
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- personal statement
- why want to study
- - interesting
- - interested in social psychology - way people interact with others and world around them
- - good at science
- love research + learning
- interested in researching human nature + morailty
- greater understanding of human behaviour
- extending academic knowledge
- greater understanding of human behaviour
- interested in researching human nature + morailty
- want in depth knowledge of subject
- why am i right for the course
- high level of scientific and mathematical ability
- know how to conduct experiments and perform scientific research
- knowledge of statistics
- motivated + independent learner
- diligent
- passionate
- focused
- creative thinker
- high level of scientific and mathematical ability
- extracurricular activities
- read key works
- anatomy of human destructiveness*
- man who mistook his wife for a hat
- phantoms in the brain
- psychology of interpersonal behaviour
- attended psychology lectures at oxford and cambridge
- documentaries
- psychopath gene
- relevance
- adding to breadth and depth of knowledge of subject
- chosen career
- research psychologist
- begun research
- begun exploring specific interests
- research psychologist
- baking
- read key works
- transferable skills
- write poetry
- showing analysis and creativity
- academic writing
- chemistry ISA - coursework
- avid reader
- logical thinker - maths
- can analyse and interpret statistical data
- group work
- leadership role during group work in lessons
- democratic decision making
- help others - teaching skills
- leadership role during group work in lessons
- mentored ks3 science
- write poetry
- critical thinking
- questions raised about rationalising "evil" behaviours
- anatomy of human destructiveness*
- why want to study
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