Personality traits
- Created by: KatieHe
- Created on: 06-05-17 14:15
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- Personality
- Trait- Innate and enduring
- The idea that a person has always had a feature of their personality
- Tells you how a person will behave instinctively to certain situations
- Predisposition
- Inclinations/ motives formed earlier
- General
- Covering all situations
- Underlying
- Inside, part of person
- Enduring
- Long lasting
- Social learning- Behaviours learnt by observation and copying
- We learn to deal with situations by watching others
- Vicarious conditioning
- Learning emotional responses through observational learning e.g, get angry at decision made by referee
- Vicarious conditioning
- Bandura- said behaviour determined by situation, act like peer group, social approval
- We learn to deal with situations by watching others
- Interactionist- A mixture of trait and social learning
- Trait factors cannot be changed by athlete or coach
- But can be worked upon by using positive imagery to overcome anxiety for example
- Trait factors cannot be changed by athlete or coach
- Extroversion Introversion
- Extrovert- Liveliness, sociability, impulsive
- Introvert- Independent,shyness, isolation, quiet
- Neurotic stable
- Stability- Unchanging behaviour patterns
- Neuroticism- behaviour may change unpredictably
- Eysenck found mixture- e.g stable introvert= talkative outgoing
- Eysenck added third scale- psychoticism=measure how tough minded a person is
- Type A Type B
- Type A
- Impatience
- Works at rapid pace
- High levels of stress
- Strong desire to succeed
- Type B
- Relaxed and patient
- Low personal stress
- Less competitive
- Calm
- Type A
- Cattle, identified much larger number of personality traits, called Cattells 16PF
- Trait- Innate and enduring
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