perspectives on learning
- Created by: chelsealewis
- Created on: 10-05-16 19:50
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- perspectives on learning
- Behaviourist
- Classical conditioning: association. Operant conditioning: positive and negative reinforcement
- Applications: Programmed learning- step to step learning, correct they can move on, if incorrect given additional information.
- Behaviour modification: Operant condition- sticker charts, tokens and detentions
- Humanistic
- Uniqueness of individuals, we are a product of out experiences
- Rogers: client centered, we have free will, not had the same experiences and we need to self actualise.
- Applications: co-op learning. non competitive, assigned roles that work to their strengths. expected share.
- Learning circles/ open classrooms: individual growth , goal setting, no curriculum.
- Cognitive
- Piaget: develop in stages, assimilation- existing schemas. Accommodator- new schemas
- Discovery learning- Bruner- presented have to organise information. Need to be aroused. spiral cirrriculum.
- Ausbel: expository: even all information. Reception: learn the exposed material. Derivative- relating. Correlative- change what they know
- Vygostky- ZPD, difference between what a child can achieve by themselves and what they can achieve with a more knowledgable other. Scaffolding
- Behaviourist
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