Perspectives on Marriage
- Created by: fabiacloke
- Created on: 15-03-18 09:00
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- Perspectives View on Marriage
- Functionalism
- 'Best' family type is the nuclear family.
- Parsons; 'functional fit' between the nuclear family & modern society.
- Geographical & socially mobile workforce
- Performs irreducible functions - primary socialisation of children & stabilisation of adult personalities.
- New Right
- Firmly oppose family diversity & believe has been a breakdown in the traditional family, led to many problems in society.
- Argue breakdown of family is due to:
- Breakdown of 'traditional family values'
- Ease of getting a divorce
- Increased cohabitation
- Over generous welfare benefits to single mothers creating a 'welfare dependency culture'
- Influence of feminism devaluing marriage & home-making
- Increased sexual permissiveness
- Greater tolerance of gay & lesbian relationships
- Are particulary critical of lone parent families, arguing that:
- Lone mothers cannot discipline their children properly.
- Lone-parent families leave boys without am adult male role model, resulting in educational failure, delinquency & social instability.
- Such families are likely to be poorer & therefore a burden on the welfare state & tax payers.
- Neo-Conventional
- Chester (1986) recognise has been increase in diveristy
- Argues families likely dual-earning, is neo-conventional family similar to symmetrical family.
- Evidence used by Chester:
- Most people live in household headed by a married couple
- Most adults marry & have children
- Most marriages continue until death
- Cohabitation has increased, usually only temporary phase before marrying
- Chester (1986) recognise has been increase in diveristy
- Rhona & Robert Rapoport (1982)
- Organisation diversity
- Different family roles:
- Joint conjugal roles & 2 wage earners
- Segregated conjugal roles & 1 wage earner
- Different family roles:
- Cultural Diveristy
- Different cultural, religious & ethnic groups have different family structures
- Social Class Diversity
- Differences between middle & working class families in relation to child-rearing & family structures
- Life Stage Diversity
- Differ according to the stage reached in the life cycle e.g. newlyweds, widows etc
- Generational Diversity
- Older & younger generations have different attitudes & experineces
- Argue we have moved away from the traditional family as the dominant type. Britain is a pluralistic society- where cultures & lifestyles are more diverse
- Organisation diversity
- Postmodern
- Rejects modernist approach to family (NR & Function) & state individuals make choices about types of personal relationships & family life
- Led to an increase in family diversity
- Individualisation Thesis
- Traditional structures have lost influence, leading to more choice diversity
- Lead to risk & instability
- Untitled
- Rejects modernist approach to family (NR & Function) & state individuals make choices about types of personal relationships & family life
- Functionalism
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