Sociology religion
- Created by: Nicola
- Created on: 22-05-13 16:43
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- Perspectives on religion
- Functionalism
- Durkheim - religion binds people together like 'social cement', provides a set of moral values that form the collective conscience, ensuring social stability
- Totenism - all societies are divided up into sacred and profane , they were worshipping the clan - collective worship plays a crucial part in the continuation of society- reinforces social solidarity.
- Parsons- helps people to deal with 'life crisis', which would otherwise produce anomie .
- Durkheim - religion binds people together like 'social cement', provides a set of moral values that form the collective conscience, ensuring social stability
- Marxism
- Marx- used as a tool to keep the masses at bay. Acts as a social opium. Church tell them god will reward their suffering.
- Althusser- ideological apparatus. Working class is brainwashed into accepting social class inequalities(false consciousness).
- Neo - Marxism
- Gramsci- To keep a strong hold on society, ruling class has to persuade the masses that the system is fair(hegemony).They could challenge the status quo.
- Social action theory
- Religion is used to make sense of day to day life e.g. might explain why some good people die young.
- Functionalism
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