Evaluate the view that US pressure groups are now far more powerful than political parties in the US political process. (30 marks)
- Created by: yazmintaylorx
- Created on: 01-05-18 10:05
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- PGs more powerful than political parties
- PGs more powerful in decision-making
- parties are weak in Congress & executive
- June 2015 most House Dems voted against Obama's TAA so it lost 302 -126
- PGs can lobby politicians directly to gain support
- PGs able to create 'iron triangles'
- undermines representative democracy as officials not making decisions to benefit electorate
- reduces respect for and authority of govt.
- parties are weak in Congress & executive
- PGs are more powerful in elections
- parties restricted by FECA & BCRA
- PGs can easily set up PACs and Super PACs
- undermines pluralist democracy & promotes elitism as views of wealthy better represented
- fewer ordinary people standing for election as can't afford it
- could lead to apathy & fall in participation
- PGs have more supporters
- party identification is low
- In 2014, 39% American voters identified as Independents, 32% as Democrats and 23% as Republicans
- PG membership is high
- AARP has over 40 million members
- PGs have greater mandate & legitimacy
- allows PGs to raise more funds
- party identification is low
- however, not all PGs are powerful
- Occupy Wall Street Movement (since 2011) largely unsuccessful due to lack of leadership & organisation
- American Dehydrated Onion & Garlic Association
- spent $300,000 annually on lobbying but finished in 2012 with $20,000 on lobbying
- undermine pluralist democracy as less powerful PGs less represented
- shows PGs rely on different factors to become powerful
- but, PGs with power are more powerful than parties
- parties are the ones that make decisions
- PGs need parties to make the decisions they want
- Civil Rights Movement needed Dems. to pass Civil Rights Act 1964 & Voting Rights Act 1965
- if PGs are ignored by parties they cannot make the changes they want
- pro-gun control movements e.g. 'Million Mom March' 2000 unsuccessful
- parties only listen to PGs when it suits them so appear in control
- upholds representative democracy as elected officials making decisions
- but, PGs have such influence over decisions that they can de facto make decisions
- PGs need parties to make the decisions they want
- parties more powerful because they're permanent
- PGs come and go suggesting they're not influential enough to remain permanent
- GOP & Dems have been winning elections since the 1800s
- allows parties to provide stability & continuity to political system
- shows PGs may be powerful in the short term the way 3rd parties are
- but, PGs more powerful than parties even if their power is only temporary
- some PGs have been around a long time
- NRA founded 1871
- PGs more powerful in decision-making
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