Pharisees and conflict with Jesus
Full mindmap of the pharisees and backround of their relationship with Jesus throughout Luke's gospel in a negative manner. does not include positive relations as such in;
- Table fellowship 11:37, 14:1
- Addressed with respect 7:40
- Warn of threat to him 13:31
- Which continues into acts
- Created by: Wayne Mcgovern
- Created on: 31-12-13 15:44
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- Pharisees
- Religious Fundamentalists of Jesus' time.
- They followed the laws of Moses Closely (O.T)
- Jesus did unorthodox things which didn't follow the key viewpoints of the pharisees for example
- Healing of a man with leprosy (used term for all kinds of skin diseases in Jesus' time) Luke 5:12-16
- Jesus touched the leaper when others would not as he was an outcast of society. Jesus told him what to do, that was required by Jewish Law, ( Leviticus 13/14)
- By law only priest could touch the man.
- Encouraged people to keep the laws of Moses. Tried to keep matter quite amongst the crowd.
- By law only priest could touch the man.
- Jesus touched the leaper when others would not as he was an outcast of society. Jesus told him what to do, that was required by Jewish Law, ( Leviticus 13/14)
- Jesus in Luke 6:1-11 allowed his disciples to walk through a corn field and eat what they reaped, breaking Sabbath rules in front of the pharisees
- Jesus said King David, had once eaten the priests bread, but no one criticized him for it.
- Jesus seems to says he is more than David. "Lord of the Sabbath"
- Luke then tells another story of a man with a withered arm in the synagogue
- The Pharisees were trying to catch Jesus out.
- Provoked them, then planed plot of evil towards Jesus to destroy his life.
- Jesus was too quick for them and said is it better to do good or to do harm on the Sabbath? no one replied and the man was healed.
- The Pharisees were trying to catch Jesus out.
- Luke then tells another story of a man with a withered arm in the synagogue
- Jesus seems to says he is more than David. "Lord of the Sabbath"
- Jesus said King David, had once eaten the priests bread, but no one criticized him for it.
- Healing of a man with leprosy (used term for all kinds of skin diseases in Jesus' time) Luke 5:12-16
- Jesus did unorthodox things which didn't follow the key viewpoints of the pharisees for example
- There were around 6000 at the time of Jesus
- Also often challenged Jesus' Authority. in Luke 20:1-8 he was asked
- " Who gave you the authority to do all these things? " Jesus would not answer their questions cause they could not answer his question on why is John the baptist got authority, was it from god or man
- They couldn't answer him as they did not really know themselves, even though they were all meant to be experts of god, including Pharisees
- " Who gave you the authority to do all these things? " Jesus would not answer their questions cause they could not answer his question on why is John the baptist got authority, was it from god or man
- Jesus also called them "Actors" in Lk 12:1-12 claiming they were hypocrites following rules of god yet maintaining no outward morality to others.
- Also often challenged Jesus' Authority. in Luke 20:1-8 he was asked
- They were appalled by Jesus' claim to divinity and defiance of old traditions for example healing on the Sabbath.
- Luke 13:10-17- Jesus heals a crippled woman on the Sabbath. This is the example used.
- Jesus heals a crippled woman in the synagogue, belief was a demon caused this deformity.
- work for example healing was forbidden on the Sabbath, unless life threatening.
- Synagogue president rebuked his healing to the people saying
- " You have six days to come for healing. Come then, and not on the Sabbath."
- The law was humanitarian but the pharisees interpretation was unethical towards human pain.
- Similar to this was the story of the man with dropsy in Luke 14:1-6
- Jesus heals a crippled woman in the synagogue, belief was a demon caused this deformity.
- Luke 13:10-17- Jesus heals a crippled woman on the Sabbath. This is the example used.
- They worked in the Synagogue and often separated themselves from the outside world
- Often debated with the Sadducees due to their different beliefs
- They believed in Last Judgement, Life after death, fate and freewill. Were fundamental believers of God.
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