PHE 2014
- Created by: thepeanuts
- Created on: 22-10-15 19:04
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- PHE (2014) reducing unintentional injuries in under fives
- Definition of unintentional ( WHO)
- 3 action plans for LA's
- Using existing services to build on
- working with charity,private sector and other orgs
- working with charity,private sector and other orgs
- 5 for under 5s
- suffocation et al
- Burns and scalds
- falls
- poisoning
- HV lead
- partner with children centres
- training required
- making every contact count
- Using existing services to build on
- Untitled
- NICE guidelines PH29 PH30
- Untitled
- Data - 5 years
- 40% of admissions didn't specify location of injury
- doesn't include gp visits near misses
- 9% of admissions not coded.
- 2008-2012
- key facts
- 60 deaths
- 450,000 a&e
- 40,000 admissions
- costs
- NHS cost 2.4k per injury
- LA costs brain injury £4.89 million
- four step plan
- 4 Es
- education
- engineering
- enforce
- empower
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