Philip Larkin

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  • Philip Larkin (1922-1985)
    • Philip Larkin was born in Coventry, England in 1922.
      • Father loved literature and Nazism. Mother a nervous and passive woman, dominated by her husband
      • Had stammer and homeschooled until 8 years old
    • He earned his BA from St. John’s College, Oxford and finished with First Class Honors in English
    • Larkin become a librarian. He worked in libraries his entire life
      • Finally librarian at the University of Hull.
    • Wrote collections of poetry, 2 novels, criticism, essays and reviews of Jazz music
    • He was one of post-war England’s most famous poets, and was
    • He was commonly referred to as “England’s other Poet Laureate” but never took it
    • Larkin “shied from publicity, rarely consented to interviews or readings, cultivated his image as right-wing curmudgeon and grew depressed at his fame,” according to J.D. McClatchy
    • Hated idea of marriage and children, claiming parents messed up their children with their faults
    • Part of  poetry group called 'The Movement'


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