Philosophy Revision AS
- Created by: GeorgiaAustin
- Created on: 11-05-15 17:05
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- Philosophy AS
- Plato
- Analogy of the Cave
- Philosophers should lead the country
- The Divided Line
- Rationalist, a priori.
- The Divided Line
- Philosophers should lead the country
- The Realm of the forms
- The Form of the Good
- The Divided Line
- Rationalist, a priori.
- The Divided Line
- The Form of the Good
- The Paradox of Learning
- Analogy of the Cave
- Aristotle
- The 4 Causes
- 1.Material (potentiality and actuality)
- 2.Efficient Cause
- 3.Formal Cause (Plato VS Aristotle)
- 4. Final cause (infinite regression and prime mover)
- The Prime Mover
- Cause and Effect
- The 4 Causes
- Judeo-Christian God
- God as Craftsman
- God sculpted the world with what was already there.
- More anthropomorphic view of God.
- God sculpted the world with what was already there.
- Creatio Ex Nihilio
- God created the world out of nothing
- More typical view. "In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth."
- God created the world out of nothing
- Attributes of God
- Euthyphro Dilemma
- God as Craftsman
- The Teleological Argument
- Aquinas
- God must exist because non-intelligent material creates beneficial order.
- Arrow analogy
- God must exist because non-intelligent material creates beneficial order.
- Paley
- The universe is complex and so there must be a designer
- Design Qua Regularity and Design Qua Purpose
- God must exist because non-intelligent material creates beneficial order.
- Arrow analogy
- Tennant
- Aesthetic Argument
- Anthropic Principle
- God must exist because non-intelligent material creates beneficial order.
- Watch Analogy
- Design Qua Regularity and Design Qua Purpose
- The universe is complex and so there must be a designer
- Hume
- 6 criticisms. Puddle Anaolgy
- Darwin and Evolution.
- Mill problem of evil
- 6 criticisms. Puddle Anaolgy
- Aquinas
- The Cosmological Argument
- Aquinas
- 3 ways to God
- 1.Unmoved mover
- 2.The uncaused causer
- 3.Possibility and Neccessity
- Copleston Vs Russell
- C= for God. God is necessary as contingent things exist for a reason which is outside of themselves.
- Liebniz - Thing principle for Sufficient reason.
- R= The universe isn't a thing it is brute fact. To say that God is necessary is wrong because only statements can be so.
- C= for God. God is necessary as contingent things exist for a reason which is outside of themselves.
- Hume and his 4 criticisms.
- Other criticisms = its self contradictory and humans can move themselves.
- 3 ways to God
- Aquinas
- The Moral Argument
- Kant
- There is an absolute moral code that should be followed through the CI. By following this we should achieve the Summum Bonum
- ought implies can
- Freud
- Cultural relativism
- Morals come from our parents. Conscience comes from overcoming the oedipus complex. Involves the parts of the mind.
- Cultural relativism
- Evolution Darwin
- Morals are a survival tactic.
- Kant
- The Ontological Argument
- Anselm
- 2ways. 1. God must exist 2. God is necessary must exist. Greater to be necessary than contingent
- Descartes
- God is a supremely perfect being who entails existence, as he has all perfections.
- Malcolm
- Necessary beings = exist or impossible. God must exist
- Gaunilo
- Perfect Island. Reduced to absurdity.
- Kant
- Existence is not a predicate
- Frege and Russell build on this
- Existence is not a predicate
- Anselm
- The Problem of Evil
- The Inconsistent Triad -Mill
- Irenaeus - Soul making
- Augustine - Soul deciding
- The Inconsistent Triad -Mill
- Religion and Science
- Intelligent Design = Behe and the Bacterial Flagellum... climbing mount improbable
- Religion and Science can work together
- Day- Age Theory
- Gap Theory
- Framework interpretation
- God as source of the Big Bang
- Theistic Evolution
- Plato
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