Physical disabilities and longstanding illness
- Created by: miacampbell31
- Created on: 01-02-22 11:36
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- Physical disabilities and longstanding illness
- improvements in technology leading to improvements in treatments which in turn leads toincreased life expectancy
- more health surveillance programmes available – leading to more conditions diagnosed and thustreated, such as hypertension which is a longstanding illness
- improvements in vaccination programmes, e.g. flu vaccine prevents the death of many vulnerablesick people thus increasing numbers of long term sick and disabled
- increase in numbers abusing alcohol and drugs which leads to greater number of peoplecategorised as having a long term illness
- advances in medicine – discovery of new drugs meaning people can live longer with chronicconditions such as MS, strokes or cystic fibrosis
- increased survival rates at birth linked to improvements in medical care
- improved access to preventative and specialist care and services means people with physicaldisabilities are living longer
- change in attitudes/recognition linked to introduction of legislation has led to improved care fordisabled people
- better knowledge and understanding of importance of positive lifestyle choices means people tendto live longer with their disability or illness
- poor lifestyle choices leading to obesity which increases risk of illness and disease such as type IIdiabetes
- improved standards of living, e.g. nutrition, have increased life expectancy and in turn morbidityrates
- increase in life expectancy generally – older people more likely to have disabilities or illnesses
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