- Created by: Hollie96
- Created on: 06-05-14 11:43
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- Physical Development = first three life stages
- Early Childhood (2-8 years)
- Maturation = fast to medium/normal speed.
- NOT going through the ageing process (can't do both)
- Gross Motor Skills Improve = Walking. climbing, running, control over toileting
- Fine Motor Skills = Learnt at this age. They learn how to dress themselves, write, hold cutlery etc.
- Adolescence (9-18 years)
- Maturation = slow, but significant because of puberty
- Gross Motor Skills = improving due to more practise and stronger muscles/
- Fine Motor Skills = should improve and learn new ones, e.g sewing, braiding hair
- Puberty = The developmental period when secondary sexual characteristics develop and reproductive organs become functional
- Infancy (0-2 years)
- Fine Motor Skills = although new born babies can grab, they are not considered FMS. They haven't developed these skills yet.
- Gross Motor Skills = they start to develop at around 1 years old
- Maturation = Very quickly, infants are always changing and growing.
- Early Childhood (2-8 years)
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