Revision mindmap.
This HASN'T got everything, this is just the stuff I need to remember
- Created by: Aishah
- Created on: 07-01-13 19:06
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- Physics
- P4
- Negative and positive charge
- Static electricity
- Electrostatic precipitators
- Electric shocks
- Electric circuits
- Potential difference
- Current and voltage
- Resistance
- Ultrasound waves
- Compression
- Rarefraction
- Scans
- Nuclear power
- How electricity is produced
- How atoms release energy
- Chain reactions
- How electricity is produced
- Nuclear radiation
- Types of radiation
- Background radiation
- Radioactive dating
- Types of radiation
- P5
- Light rays
- Incident angles
- Critical angles
- Glass and air
- The visible light spectrum
- Prism
- Satellites
- Artificial/ manmade
- Natural
- Moons
- Geostationary
- Orbits
- Elliptical/ circular
- Centripetal force
- Speed
- Scalar/ vector quantity
- Acceleration and velocity
- Plane polarising
- Light rays
- P6
- Magnetic currents
- Magnetic fields and force
- Transformers
- Diodes
- Bridge rectifier
- Capacitator
- Peak output voltage
- Voltage/ current graphs
- NOR Gate
- P1
- P and S waves
- Longitudinal or transverse
- Earth's structure
- Digital/ analogue signals
- Wireless technology
- Types of energy transfer
- Radiation/ Convection/ Conduction
- Efficiency
- Power
- Peak/ off-peak
- P and S waves
- P2 & 3
- Big bang theory evidence
- All the Galaxies are drifting away so they all were once in the same place
- In all directions one can detect "background radiation" which is a residual from the Big Bang
- Car safety
- GPE and KE
- Terminal velocity
- AC and DC
- Big bang theory evidence
- P4
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