- Created by: groganlucy
- Created on: 03-11-18 14:35
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- piaget
- sensorimotor birth to 2 years
- infants think by interacting with the world using thier eyes,earas, hands, andmouth.
- As a result, the infant invents a way solving problems such as pulling a lever to hear the sound of a music box.
- Piaget believed that a baby would not have a way of remembering and thinking about the world untill they were 18 months old.
- preoperational 2-7 years
- children use symbols to represent their earlier discoveries.
- development of language and make believe play takes place.
- Piaget believed that children at this stage cannot properly understand how ideas like number, mass and volume work.
- concrete operational 7-11 years
- children's reasoning becomes logical providing the issues are concrete.
- children may be able to understand simple logical principles.
- Formal Operational 11-18 years
- the capacity for abstract thinking allows adolescents to reason through symbols that do not refer to objects in the real world.
- young people can also think of possible outcomes for a scientific problem.
- sensorimotor birth to 2 years
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