Piaget developmental stages mind map.

  • Created by: emily8739
  • Created on: 04-05-22 20:16
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  • Piaget development stages + three mountains task findings.
    • Concrete operational
      • Can reverse actions and take multiple views
      • No longer egocentric
      • Conservation: quantity and length stay the same
      • Seriation: can sort objects.
      • Classification: name objects
    • Pre -operational
      • 4-7 intuitive
        • Irriversibility
        • Centration only one aspect of a situation
      • 2-4 symbolic stage use symbols to represent objects.
        • Believe all objects are alive.
      • 2-7 years.
      • Egocentric
    • Sensorimotor
      • 6 months - repeat actions.
      • 0-2 years old.
      • Learn mainly by using their senses.
      • Develop object permanence at 6 months.
    • Formal operational
      • Can have more abstract ideas.
        • Understand time and consequence
      • 12+ years
    • Findings and egocentrism
      • 7-9 start to understand other views
      • 9-10 fully understand other views.
      • 4-6.5 egocentric


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