Piaget's constructivist approach
- Created by: rebecca thomas
- Created on: 03-03-14 10:18
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- Piaget's constructivist approach
- Key words
- Schema - ideas/plans of action about concepts or things we come into contact with.
- Assimilation - choose and existing schema to deal with a new situation.
- Accomidatiobn - adjusting an existing schema to fit the new concept.
- Decentering - this is not being egocentric and being able to take more than one feature of a situation into consideration at the same time.
- Abstract thinking - concepts that cannot be demonstrated in concrete terms.
- Egocentric - the iniability to see that others do not always see the same way as the individual
- Discovery learning
- Play is very important
- Children are explorers and experimenters
- Aids cognitive development
- Environment important
- Cognitive development also occurs due to innate ability to assimilate and accomidate to the environment.
- Stages of cognitive development
- Sensorimotor stage (birth - 2)
- Limited to the here and now
- Concrete thinking
- Thinks only in terms of sensation and movement
- Object permanence develops 8 months
- The preoperational stage (2-7)
- Preconceptual period: 2-4 symbol use begins e.g. play to make representations.
- Egocentrism.
- Intuitive period: 4-7. Judge situations by their appearance.
- Concrete operations (7-11)
- Perform logical operations as long as dealing with concrete objects.
- Conservation concept: keeping things the same
- The three beaker test
- The stage of formal operations (11+)
- Mental operations with abstract meaning
- Algebra and hypothical situations
- Mental operations with abstract meaning
- Sensorimotor stage (birth - 2)
- Evaluation
- Strenghts
- Implications for child rearing; Piagetian approach - challenging materials and stimuli, it influenced nurses and pre-schools
- Piaget contributed to cognitive development and inspired research.
- Object permenance - must be aware of the presence/existence of the caregiver if they are going to protest when left alone.
- Weaknesses
- Lev Vygotsky emphasised the role of social learning theory and instuction. Piaget focused on discovery learning (ignored influence of others).
- Vygotskan approach - adult presence to guide exploration and understanding - Piaget ignored this.
- No evidence of distinct
- Strenghts
- Key words
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