Pitt vs Liverpool Government
- Created by: MeganBatkin
- Created on: 22-05-17 14:17
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- Pitt vs Liverpool
- Pitt's Successes
- Reduced duties on tea which trebled values of imports
- Window & luxury item tax helped improve net income by 47% by 1792
- Sinking fund was (initially) successful & gave confidence to investors and MPs in Govt.
- Triple Alliance helped prevent Spanish threat in 1790
- Pitt's Failures
- National Revival would've happened with any stable leadership
- Financial reforms didn't make much difference to the natural economic upturn
- Liverpool's Failures
- Repealed Pitt's Income Tax, which was reducing the National Debt
- Corn Laws kept price of bread high for poor
- Reactionary- he resisted movements that were later successful
- Liverpool's Successes
- Avoided controversy such as Catholic Emancipation
- Ended income tax because Napoleonic Wars had ended
- Corn Laws (arguably) necessary to protect agriculture
- Traditional aristocratic governing preserved constitution and stability
- Six Acts did stop seditious meetings/plots
- Pitt's Successes
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