Pitt the Younger's Policies
- Created by: Imogen
- Created on: 16-04-13 14:48
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- Pitt's Domestic Reforms
- Financial
- The Sinking Fund
- Targetting smuggling
- Bonded Warehouses
- Reduction of tax duties such as tea
- Taxation Policy
- Taxed some luxury goods
- Window Tax
- Administration Reforms
- Commercial Policy
- Stimulation of trade
- Eden Treaty
- The 1787 Consolidated Fund Act
- Legal
- Suspension of Habeas Corpus
- Crushing revot
- Seditious Meetings Act
- Hovering Act
- Customs could search ships
- Commutation Act
- Reduced tea tax to 12.5%
- Suspension of Habeas Corpus
- Trading Policy
- American War of Independence
- No trading with USA
- Trade boosted with Europe
- 1786 Eden Treaty
- British manufacturers benefited the most
- 1786 Eden Treaty
- Freer trade
- Adam Smith Wealth of Nations 1796
- Against protectionism
- American War of Independence
- Financial