Whitechapel Policing
- Created by: missmerelda
- Created on: 03-06-18 10:15
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- Policing in Whitechapel
- Met police
- most recruits not from London
- attracted by good pay
- problems
- drinking on job
- abssenteeism
- 13,319 men in 1885
- only 1,383 on duty at a time
- to police a population of over 5 million
- only 1,383 on duty at a time
- most recruits not from London
- H Division
- responsible for policing Whitechapel
- in 1888 there were only 575 in the H division
- 1 policeman for every 300 people
- Attitudes
- working class felt police were against them
- trust lost through how police handled events like the Trafalgar Square riot of 1887
- economic depression and ensuing poverty contributed to hatred
- working class felt police were against them
- Difficulties
- media
- criticized police
- red herrings
- immigrants
- less communicate with police
- mistreatment by other police
- less communicate with police
- alcohol
- cheaply available
- ripper victims were alcoholics
- vulnerable
- causes violence
- addictions
- causes people to turn to crime
- ripper victims were alcoholics
- cheaply available
- prostitutes
- 1200 in 1888
- vulnerable to attack
- engage in petty theft
- 1200 in 1888
- gangs
- took 'protection money' from small businesses
- vandalized the properties of or harmed those who didn't pay
- fear prevented people from reporting crimes
- vandalized the properties of or harmed those who didn't pay
- took 'protection money' from small businesses
- media
- previous detective forces ineffective
- like the first set up in 1842
- more recruited in 1870 but were also unsuccessful
- setup 1878
- due to a corruption scandal the previous year
- used photos, statements and interviews
- no forensics
- previous detective forces ineffective
- Sir Charles Warren
- Met Police Commissioner in 1886
- forced to resign after criticism of the police's handling of the Ripper cases
- also criticized for using force to control a Trafalgar square demonstration
- forced to resign after criticism of the police's handling of the Ripper cases
- actions
- brought more ex-soldiers into the police force
- increased military drill
- tightened recruitment rules
- brought more ex-soldiers into the police force
- Met Police Commissioner in 1886
- Investigative techniques
- No forensics
- Autopsies
- Sketches
- used by the City of London Police
- doctor sketched position + condition of Eddowes' body
- Mitre Square
- Interviews
- 2000+ people questioned
- focus on butchers and slaughter-men
- Photography
- photos taken before/after post-mortem
- The Ripper Murders
- 1st: Mary Nichols 31st August 1888
- Found in Bucks Row
- throat cut + abdomen cut open
- Found in Bucks Row
- 2nd: Annie Chapman 8th September 1888
- Found near Hanbury Street
- strangled then throat cut + some intestines removed
- Found near Hanbury Street
- 3rd: Elizabeth Stride 30th September 1888
- 4th: Catherine Eddowes (the same night)
- Found at Mitre square
- Disemboweled + face mutilated
- Found at Mitre square
- Found at Dutfield's Yard
- 4th: Catherine Eddowes (the same night)
- 5th: Mary Kelly 9th November 1888
- Found in her room
- body parts removed and spread around
- Found in her room
- 1st: Mary Nichols 31st August 1888
- Met police