political parties
- Created by: paulinaaaa7
- Created on: 06-11-23 20:49
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- Political Parties
- labour from 1918 are socialists formed first government in 1929 but didnt win maj until 1945
- third way ideological compromise developed by new labour under blair balanced centre right economic policy and centre left social policy
- Corbynism 2015-2020 return to old labour renationalisation increase tax on business to return to welfare state
- media support: the mirror and guardian
- conservative traditionally used to represent wealthy dominated UK politics
- one nation includes policies to benefit all sections of society introduced by Disraeli once franchise was extended
- thatcherism deregulation of business and finance retriction on trade union powers
- media support: daily mail and telegraph
- lib dems formed in 1988 usually seen as the third party of UK politics
- ideologically based on freedom and wealth redistribtion support EU
- coalition with conservatives
- minor parties
- SNP main scottish party
- plaid cymru main welsh party
- show devolution
- plaid cymru main welsh party
- brexit party gained support during brexit campaign
- green party enviromental activists
- SNP main scottish party
- factors that affect electoral outcome
- party leader
- funding
- policies
- media
- electoral systems
- campaigns
- funding
- membership fees, wealthy donors, small donations, trade unions
- PPERA 2000 PPEA 2009 refomed party funding and limited party spending and made sure large donations are declared also allows investigations on donations
- cranborne money state funds paid to opposition in HOL to cover administrive costs and allow effective scrutiny
- should they be state funded?
- two party system?
- multi party system?
- to elect members most parties use one vote per member
- functions of political parties
- representation
- participation
- policy
- government
- labour from 1918 are socialists formed first government in 1929 but didnt win maj until 1945
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