A Marxist perspective on Webster's The White Devil
- Created by: Matilda Haymes
- Created on: 09-04-14 12:06
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- A Marxist Criticism of The White Devil by John Webster
- Although upper class, Flamineo is of a lower social status than many of the other characters
- He feels he has been treated wrongly, creating a determination for both political and social accession.
- "He can never hope to achieve any greater dignity than what is accorded to the Duke of Brachiano's personal lackey"
- It is a play about UPPER CLASS CORRUPTION
- Monticelso and the Church
- Vittoria and Brachiano's affair
- The murders of Isabella and Camillo
- The role of Lodovico and Flamineo
- Duke Brachiano holds a great position of power and can therefore control his relationships
- Zanche is mistreated due to her class.
- But also due to her race and gender
- "Happy that never saw court"
- Rejection of the upper class
- Although upper class, Flamineo is of a lower social status than many of the other characters
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