popular culture
- Created by: catrionabucknell_
- Created on: 06-05-16 20:39
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- 1930's
- depression and high un-employment
- offered sense of escapism
- e.g. King Kong
- American-isation of British society
- american style and glamour appealed to British
- new language
- 'oh yeah'
- new fashion
- Clark Gobel in gone with the wind had a white vest
- permissive society in 1970's
- extreme violence in Straw Dogs (1971)
- Clockwork Orange 1971
- violence, sex and drug use
- influenced social attitude and behaviour
- director Kubrick asked for it not to be shown
- violence, sex and drug use
- contrasted from 1928-1939 BBFC banned 140 films and forced 1000's to edit content
- greater permissiveness of BFFC
- 1959 obscenity act
- 1968 theaters act
- 1930's
- WW2
- patriotic symbol of Britain
- e.g. broadcasting monarch's christmas message
- collectivism of WW2
- showed united attitude e.g. Workers Playtime
- aimed to boost morale in factories
- showed united attitude e.g. Workers Playtime
- patriotic symbol of Britain
- traditional conservative values of 1950's
- Light Programmes
- housewives choice and women's hour
- Light Programmes
- teenage rebellion and identity
- pirate radio emerged
- stations with no license to broadcast
- popular new music
- large teenage audience
- radio one emerged aimed specifically at youth
- widened age gap
- pirate radio emerged
- WW2
- popular music in 1930/40's
- americanisation of society
- jazz and swing music
- americanisation of society
- rock and roll popular in 1950's
- showed youth culture and teen rebellion
- affluence allowed money to buy records and associated clothes
- bands like Beatles continued to reflect such change in 1960's
- wealth of teenagers
- showed youth culture and teen rebellion
- beatles showed shift in social class
- working class affluence
- also showed permissive society
- e.g. Sargent Pepper 1967 album
- drug taking
- number 1 for 6 months
- e.g. Sargent Pepper 1967 album
- permissive society showed in popular music of 1970's
- break down of authority and establishment
- strikes and bad economy
- reflected by punk rock e.g. sex pistols
- strikes and bad economy
- break down of authority and establishment
- popular music in 1930/40's
- pre 1950's didn't exist or minimal due to traditional society
- american influence in films, music + clothes
- americanisation aided development of youth culture
- businesses targeted specific products
- teenage affluence
- teenage rebellion
- mid 50's saw Teddy Boy gangs
- slicked back hair and rock and roll
- replaced by rockers with leather jackets and motorbikes
- mid 50's saw Teddy Boy gangs
- permissive society
- MODS morphed into skinheads into punks
- MODS listened to R and B and rode vespa
- relaxed and independance
- skinheads reflected working class arrogance
- changing social classes
- reggae and ska inspired music came from caribbean
- immigration at its height in late 1960's
- Punks showed break down of the establishment
- rebellion to economic issues
- My 1964 mods and rockers vandalised seasides
- 51 arrests in Margate and 76 Brighton
- emergence of football hooligans
- shown in BBC panorama
- all we are going for is a good game for football; a good punch and kick up'
- shown in BBC panorama
- My 1964 mods and rockers vandalised seasides
- permissive society and abortion
- up the junction 1965
- brutal images about illegal abortions
- contributed to passing of 1967 abortion act
- up the junction 1965
- popular after WW2
- men and women spent 23% of free time wtaching TV
- 1977-79 16 hours a week and 20 hours in winter
- 1947: 15,000 TV licences and 18,716,000 in 1985
- used for current events and violence
- coloured pictures from 1967
- people worried about troubles in NI / vietnam
- gory colours
- important social issues e.g. homelessness
- Cathy Come Home 1966
- lunch of shelter - charity for homeless people
- immigration
- Love Thy Neighbour 1970's
- Cathy Come Home 1966
- coronation street appealed to working class
- working lass challenged authority and establishment
- That Was The Week That Was
- represented pinnacle of satire boom
- The Sweeny exposed reality of ppolice bending rules
- exposed by The Times
- That Was The Week That Was
- working lass challenged authority and establishment
- permissive society and abortion
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