population size and competition
- Created by: vezting
- Created on: 24-04-16 12:52
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- population and competition
- population size
- carrying capacity is the maxiumum population size that can be maintained over a period of time in a particular habitat
- once the carry capacity has been exceeded there isnt enough resources to support individuals
- a habitat cannot support a population past the carrying capacity as there are factors that limit growth
- the carrying capacity is the upper limit that the factors place on the population size
- where the rate of nautral process is affected by a number of factors, the lfactor that limits the processes / the one in the shortest supply
- predation acts as a limiting factor on prey's population
- carrying capacity is the maxiumum population size that can be maintained over a period of time in a particular habitat
- competition
- intraspecific is between individuals in one species
- interspecific happenes between individuals of different species
- gause
- he investigated two species of paramecium
- he concluded that the ovewr lap in their niches resulted in more intesne competition.
- p.caudatum was out-competed by p.aurelia
- this became known as the competitive exclusion principle
- population size
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