Population Genetics
- Created by: foam97
- Created on: 14-03-17 08:52
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- Population Genetics
- How can genetics link to disease?
- Can cause disease
- Two types of disease
- Genetic
- Two types of conditions
- Quantitative
- Measurable level of condition
- Example: the lower the FEC of a GIT parasite the higher the resistance.
- Measurable level of condition
- All or none
- Affected (CASE) or unaffected (CONTROL)
- Quantitative
- Two types of conditions
- Environmental
- Genetic
- Other considerations
- Age
- Cancer is a disease fo aging in many cases
- Important when testing: why test calves for mastitus
- Environmental factors
- Nutrition, environment...
- Age
- Two types of disease
- Can causes resistance
- Can cause disease
- Genetic Model
- Single gene disease
- Single base pair change
- Mendelian mode of inheritance
- Single base pair change
- Polygenic
- Affected by many genes
- Quantitative or complex trait
- Can have an environmental affect as well
- Other considerations
- Genotype and environment interactions
- Different environments with the same genotype can cause different results
- Epistasis
- Genes can interact together, new interactions can form and give an unexpected phenotypic result
- Genotype and environment interactions
- Single gene disease
- How can genetics link to disease?
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