- Created by: HLeiper
- Created on: 14-04-14 10:43
View mindmap
- Population
- Exponential Growth
- a pattern where the growth rate constantly increases
- Predicted future growth
- 8.92 million by 2050 and 10.8 billion by 2150
- Stage 1 - High Fluctuating
- Rainforest tribes
- High birth and death rates - low life expectancy and no birth control
- Stable Population
- Stage 2 - Early Expanding
- Birth rates are over death rates - natural increase
- Improvements of sanitation
- Population grows
- Afganistan
- Stage 3 - Late Expanding
- Birth rates drop rapidly - female emancipation
- Death rate continues to decrease but not as fast
- Population grows but not as much
- Brazil, India and Kenya
- Stage 4 - Low Flucuating
- Low births and death rate
- Birth rate depends on economic situation
- UK
- Stage 5 - Decline
- Germany
- Birth Rate is below Death Rate - natural decrease
- Death rate increased - ageing population
- Stage 1 - High Fluctuating
- Managing Rapid Population Growth
- Social
- Services cannot cope - not everybody has access
- Children miss out on education
- Not enough houses - over crowding and poor sanitation
- Food Shortages
- Political
- Government focuses on policies to do with young people
- Fewer older people - do not have to focus on old people
- Policies to keep population change under control
- Economic
- Not enough jobs - unemployment increases
- Increased poverty - born into poor families
- Social
- Ageing Population
- Disadvantages
- Taxes increase - more pensions needed
- Economy grows more slowly
- Healthcare services are stretched
- Unpaid Carers
- Retirement age later
- Advantages
- Less children being born
- Disadvantages
- Migration
- Push factors
- No jobs
- Poor Living conditions
- War and Natural Disasters
- Pull Factors
- Opposite to Push Factors
- Impacts
- Source Country
- Reduced demand on services; money sent home
- Labour shortage; ageing population
- Receiving country
- Increase labour force and economic people
- Compete for jobs; over crowding and social tension
- Source Country
- Push factors
- Exponential Growth
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