History plans - USA
- Created by: jwizz
- Created on: 04-06-16 19:42
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- 1. Why did a RED SCARE develop in the USA in the years 1945-50? (54)
- 1. Events abroad
- soviet expansion into eastern europe
- satellite states
- bulgaria
- Poland
- East Germany
- western Europe is vulnerable
- domino effect
- satellite states
- China becomes communist
- 1949
- not allowed to join UN
- War in Korea
- 1950-53
- Truman doctrine, stand against communsim
- policy of containment
- to stop spread of communism to Korea
- Atomic bomb
- arms race between USSR and USA
- USA in range of their missiles
- Berlin Blockade
- 1948
- stalin attempts to control berlin
- prepared to risk a war for communism
- 1948
- Marshall plan, to rival comecon.
- strong economies are less likely to fall for communism
- soviet expansion into eastern europe
- 2. Events at home
- a) Hollywood 10 case
- investigated by the HUAC
- 1947
- the HUAC's investigations led to the red scare because famous people were being investigated and communism gained a lot of publicity
- b) Federal Employee Loyalty program
- Truman let hoover set it up
- investigated government employees
- scared that their government was communist
- over 200 staff were security risks - lost their jobs
- The FBI led to the red scare because people began to feel insecure and believed in communism...
- because president Truman was allowing investigation which showed:
- he feared communism and recognised that there was a risk of the USA becoming communist
- because president Truman was allowing investigation which showed:
- c) Hiss case
- The Hiss case caused more uncertainty in the red scare because he was a member of the US state department...
- and americans didn't like the thought that there were communists in power, leading the USA
- The Hiss case caused more uncertainty in the red scare because he was a member of the US state department...
- d) Rosenberg's case
- caused a lot of tension because people in America would feel and communists in the country could be spies and working for the USSR , who now had an atom bomb. They were passing big secrets.
- e) McCarren Act
- showed that the threat of communism was serious as the government was taking action against it
- a) Hollywood 10 case
- 3. (Mc-Carthyism)
- claimed he had a list of 200 communists in the state department
- investigated general Zwicker, WW1 hero
- 234 Hollywood personalities blacklisted
- 100+ university lecturers fired
- communism seems to be everywhere
- people feared being witch-hunted as being a communist
- communism control act passed
- banned communist party
- communist membership declined
- fear it may spread abroad and enter the USA
- This tension was enlarged on by McCarthy who made it seem there was a lot of communism in the USA
- 1. Events abroad
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