Post industrial britain
- Created by: stackyboi
- Created on: 01-05-18 16:45
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- Post industrial Britain
- Gender and changing status of women
- Women expected to marry, procreate and be financially dependent on husbands, so education seemed pointless
- Most professions refused female entry; could become teachers but with low wages and status
- During the late 19th century, their role began to change. Less men meant less marriages, due to the war and emigration
- Women eventually got the vote (1918) after suffragette movement
- Law and Order
- More refined laws and sense of order affected activities of the working class
- Decline blood sports (**** fighting, animal baiting) due to changes in law
- Upper classes still had fox hunting as the law makers were the middle/upper classes
- Education and literacy
- Upper class had little interest in cultural development of working classes
- Effects of the revolutions in EU reinforced the need to control the masses-less educated
- Most working class didn't want education, child labor was common practice.
- More sophisticated sports requiring cognitive processing/ understanding of rules
- Lower classes associated with public house activities and wagering on horses
- Education act - 1870, national system of education
- Act established elementary schools; more accessible to lower classes so the understanding of sophisticated rules in sport was more widespread, leading to further involvement
- Availability of time and money
- Factory owners encouraged the formation of work teams to keep them healthy and loyal
- Leisure time was increased but working class still struggled due to lack of disposable income
- growth of factories meant that hours were long and pay was poor
- considerable growth of cities (urbanization)
- More time for leisure, less time spent on work therefore more participated in sport
- Influence of public schools
- public schools were influential in developing rules and NBG's of sports activities
- Initially only exclusive to upper class males; travel and tuition fees
- At the start of the 19th century, organised sport wasn't featured in public schools
- headmasters weren't in favor of sports (became main stream mid-19th century)
- Early 19th century-prefect fagging system (parents angered so schools had to act)
- Thomas Arnold promoted regular sports and developed house system which helped with competition
- Development of inter/house-inter/school fixtures
- Muscular Christianity- linked sport to being a moral christian gentleman
- Athleticism- combination of physical endeavor and moral integrity
- Pupils took their school games to Uni: need for a common set of rules
- Fa formed in 1863 using Cambridge rules.
- Ex-pupils came back to build sports facilities, become masters, create NBG's
- Gender and changing status of women
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