Postmodern view on the family
- Created by: eviedeehan
- Created on: 08-02-24 19:42
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- Postmodern view on the family
- metanarratives
- society is not orderly and predictable, sociological theories are big stories that cannot explain the diversity of personal relationships - cannot make generalised statements about family life
- change to social order - rapidly changing society means that people are rejecting notions of the traditional family as the mainstay of the social order
- society is not orderly and predictable, sociological theories are big stories that cannot explain the diversity of personal relationships - cannot make generalised statements about family life
- individualism, diversity and consumer choice
- disintegration of traditional family, growing diversity of households and personal relationships in which people choose to live
- decline of tradition - people no longer feel tied to traditional ideas and expectations e.g rising divorce rates, cohabitation, gay couples etc
- metanarratives
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