4D global politics quotes (poverty)
Mindmap of quotes for 4D politics A2 paper :)
- Created by: Joanne
- Created on: 09-06-13 13:03
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- North/south divide - brandt reports
- Core and periphery model - wallerstein
- Piana - 'core states are free states'
- Poverty is the worst form of violance - Ghandi
- Globalisation has taught the pooer to create wealth and reccive leftovers - Chevez
- Forign aid
- forign aid is neither a failure nor a sucsess it is an important tool of american poicy to serve the intrest of the united states - Hamilton
- you cant get rid of poverty by giving people money - PJ o'Rouke
- pouring money and goods into devistated regions, forign aid workers can compound distruction and abuse survivors - Buchan
- the rich get richer and the poor remain poor - Marx
- Global poverty is a powder keg which can be ignited by our indifference - Clinton
- Where poverty exists there is no real freedom - Mandela
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