  • Created by: Sahana.S
  • Created on: 21-01-24 14:02
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    • Harm caused by WW1 was through passive inaction suggesting the lack of confidence humans have and linking to their mental deterioration. ironic as soldiers aren't given any support to deal with this mental fragmentation after the trauma of war.
    • Soldiers are dehumanised and stripped from their humanity links to the unforgiveable immorality of humanity and our lack of sympathy in tough situations where we become selfish.
    • Corrective to Tennyson’s patriotic and romanticised view of warfare. Tennyson’s poem is characterised by action – inaction is a key aspect of Owen’s poem
    • Metrical pulse too very muted – mimicking sound – faint and inconsistent heart beat could be trying to mimic the false interpretations of war given by propaganda.
    • Immediately establishes the weather as the real opponent by using imagery to showcase weather as cold hearted and vicious
    • Collective pronouns often used to show minor ailment irritation or frustration of soldiers alluding to PTSD and showing the mental fragmentation of soldiers in war and the lack of support given to them to deal with this deterioration
      • "our brains ache in the merciless iced east winds that knive us"
    • Owen inverts the callous lies told by propaganda and majorly criticises the blind trust humans give into believing the false interpretations of war shown by them leading to humans not truly understanding the insidious nature of the war machine
      • "Brambles" "Rumbles"
    • men make constant decision to return to the trenches and endure the futile death expected of them.
    • Tactile poem – make the reader endure the physical sensations he endures (Poppies) – particularly  disturbing when poet combines touch with images that elsewhere would suggest intimacy and love  pale flakes with lingering stealth’  any force is procreative turned into something impotent and deadly·
      • Further suggests that in order to defeat war and nature humans must develop the capacity to understand each other and their emotions and use this to feel relatable in order to fight together - individuality has no place in war
        • QUOTES:  "Black with snow" / " pause over half-known faces" / "we cringe in holes" / "crusted dark-red jewels"
    • Harsh consonant sounds add to the bitterness of the wind – which pervades the poem·
    • ·             Bitterness also directed to those at home who the soldiers are no longer able to form a connection with.·       ‘Turn back to their dying’ image of regression


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