Power and Control in A Doll's House and Rossetti's Poems
- Created by: wanjikar
- Created on: 11-02-22 10:09
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- Power & Control in ADH + Rossetti's poems
- A Doll's House
- Nora
- Krogstad believes she has some power over Torvald
- being controlled by Krogstad because of the loan and forgery
- "If I get thrown into the gutter for a second time, I shall take you with me." p.50
- takes control of her future and figures out what she wants to do
- Mrs Linde
- has no control over her future
- in the hands of men to decide wether she gets a job or not
- "it's quite likely I may be able to find some job for you'" p.42
- has no control over her future
- Torvald
- controlling and dominant over Nora in a fartherly way
- limits the friends
- holds power in his position at the bank and is looking for more
- controlling and dominant over Nora in a fartherly way
- Dr Rank
- no control over his death and diagnosis
- his father's mistakes still haunt him
- "I'm on the way out and there's nothing to be done about it." p.64
- no control over his feelings for Nora
- doesn't use his power to try and win her
- "do you think he is the only one who would gladly lay his life down for you?" p.67
- no control over his death and diagnosis
- Krogstad
- had no control over his sentence
- doesn't have any power to prove he has changed
- "the job in the bank was the first step on the ladder." p.46
- Context
- women weren't allowed to borrow money without their husbands/fathers
- Critics
- "Power doesn't corrupt people, people corrupt power"- William Goddis
- "more like a daughter, father relationship than a wife and husband."- Wiseman
- "Nora and Torvald's relationship is an unresolved battle for power."- Garland
- Nora
- Rossetti
- Shut Out
- didn't show control when handed the apple and as a result got kicked out of Eden
- Maude Clare
- MC- Nell - Thomas
- order of control
- MC has the power to embarrass and humiliate him
- "he strove to match her scorn with scorn, he faltered in his place"
- MC- Nell - Thomas
- In the Round Tower
- went from powerful to powerless
- taken by the indian rebels as they try to bring down the tower
- went from powerful to powerless
- No Thank You John
- fully in control of the conversation
- has her own power
- holds her ground and doesn't let him bully her into a relationship
- "friendship's good: only don't keep in view ulterior ends"
- holds her ground and doesn't let him bully her into a relationship
- "the suitor isn't given a voice showing the power dynamic..." Simon Avery
- Soeur Louise
- holds no power in the relationship with the King
- sends herself to a nunnery for her lack of self control
- the King's status never wavered after the relationship was found out
- holds no power in the relationship with the King
- Critics
- "Rossetti wrote poems that give a vibrant voice to the female experience... Mold
- women "were denied the social and economic freedoms enjoyed by men."- Mold
- Shut Out
- A Doll's House
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