Powers of the Executive- Chapter 6
- Created by: Lexie
- Created on: 24-04-21 16:34
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- Powers of the Executive
- Prerogative Powers
- Powers exercised by ministers- does not require parliamentary approval
- Monarch still has some personal prerogative powers- appointing the PM and giving royal assent to legislation
- Ministers acting on behalf of the Crown:
- Making and ratifying treaties
- International diplomacy- relations with other states
- Deployment of the Armed forces overseas
- PM's patronage powers and ability to recommend the dissolution of parliament
- Organisation of the civil service
- Granting of pardons
- Has been limited over the years
- Became a constitutional convention that parliament votes on the deployment of the armed forces overseas
- Before Fixed-term Parliament Act 2011- PM could ask monarch to dissolve parliament
- Control of the Legislative agenda
- Government controls the legislative timetable, most bills are proposed by the government too
- Most bills are approved by parliament and become law
- Private members' bills that are unpopular, are not likely to succeed
- Government control of the legislative process- seen as an imposition of party discipline on important votes and the requirement that all ministers must support the government in parliament
- Powers of Secondary legislation
- Known as delegated legislation-allows the provisions of an Act of Parliament to be brought into force or amended by ministers without requiring a further Act.
- Acts rely on how detailed the ministers make them, through the use of statutory instruments
- Vary from being largely technical to providing greater detail on broad provisions of Act.
- Scrutinised by Parliamentary committees, most are not debated and is unusual for SI's to be rejected
- HOL did amend 2 regulations on tax credits in 2015
- Scrutinised by Parliamentary committees, most are not debated and is unusual for SI's to be rejected
- Vary from being largely technical to providing greater detail on broad provisions of Act.
- Prerogative Powers
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