Pressure Groups in America
Key ideas on pressure groups in America
- Created by: Hannah
- Created on: 26-05-13 10:55
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- Pressure Groups
- How are pressure groups categorised?
- Institutional PGs (represent other groups)
- Membership PGs (represent individuals)
- What are the functions of pressure groups?
- Representation
- Aid Citizen Participation
- Enhance Public Education
- Agenda Building
- Programme Monitoring
- How do pressure groups operate?
- Electioneering and Endorsement
- Lobbying
- Publicity
- Organising grassroots activities
- What is the political significance of pressure groups?
- Civil Rights for African Americans
- Environmental Protection
- Women's rights
- Abortion Rights
- Gun Control
- How do pressure groups relate with the three branches of the federal government?
- Congress
- Contact with them directly or senior staff
- Congressional committees
- Organise constituents
- Publish voting record
- Executive
- 'Lapdogs'
- May be courted by WH
- Judiciary
- Interest in appointment process
- amicus curiae briefings
- Bring cases forward
- Congress
- How are pressure groups categorised?
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