Pride and prejudice - background
- Created by: rpickstock
- Created on: 16-11-15 17:28
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- Pride and prejudice - background
- Jane Auston
- She was born in Steventon, in 1775.
- Her farther, was the rector of the local parish and taught mostly at home
- She began to write during her teens but the original pride and prejudice was rejected in 1797
- Pride and prejudice was finally published in 1813
- She went on to publish four more novels
- Only her immediate family knew that she was a author
- Her work
- Austen is often critical of the assumptions and prejudices of upper-class England
- She also distinguishes between internal merits and external merits
- Austen was a realist as she shows how the classes are separated and the upper-class look down on the lower
- Men were expected to go into the military, chrurch or law
- Women were expected to marry
- Although women in Austen's day had more freedom in picking their husband, practical consideration limited their options
- Crtisicim
- She is accused of only portraying a limited world
- She only shows the middle and upper class.
- She was aware of the poor but only wrote about her life
- When she showed the lower class, they are generally servants
- This lack of interest into the poor is shared by almost all of England
- Pride and prejudice was barely noticed by critics while she was alive
- Critics who eventually reviewed it in the early part of the nineteenth century praised Austen's characterizations and portrayal of everyday life
- She is accused of only portraying a limited world
- Plot/ inspiration
- Her favourite writer was Dr Samuel Jackson
- He was the great model of the eighteenth century classicism and reason
- Her plot often featured characters forging their respective ways through the social hierachy
- She also displays an ambiguity about emotion and an appreciation for intelligence
- The inspiration for pride and prejudice was her first love, her relationship with him was very similar to Elizabeth and mr Darcy however they never married
- Her favourite writer was Dr Samuel Jackson
- Jane Auston
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