Principel,s of training

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  • Principles Of Training
    • Principles of training- guidelines that, if applied, ensure that training is effective and results in adaptations to your body.
    • Reversibility- this means that any Improvement that takes place as a consequence of training, will be reversed when you stop.
      • It does not make training effective because if you injure yourself, then come back, you have to train less and won't be able to train as hard, so reversibility will occur.
    • Overtraining- When you train too hard and don't give your body enough time to rest and recover between training sessions.
      • It makes training less effective and can cause injury and leads to obsession which affects mental health as well as physical.
    • Progressive Overload- Gradually increasing the intensity of training to ensure that adaptation adapt.
      • It ensures that performance continues to improve over time because the overload increases as there body adapts so your body is always being challenged.
        • The FITT principle should be used to ensure the PEP delivers progressive overload.
          • Frequency- how often training takes place per week.
          • Intensity- how hard the exercise is.
            • Karvonen Formula. Target Heart rate= ((MHR-RHR) X %Intensity) + RHR.
              • MHR= 220-AGE
              • Aerobic training target zone = 60-80%
              • Anaerobic training target zone = 80-90%
          • Time- The length of the session.
          • Type- The method of training used.
    • Specificity- Matching training to the requirements of an activity.
      • This makes sure you are focussing on the correct components of fitness of your sport and position.
    • Individual needs- This means meeting the needs of the individual to ensure they are appropriately challenged.
      • If the training is personalised it ensures that the performer makes progress and does not injure themselves or work too hard.


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