1.2 principles of care
- Created by: Lois
- Created on: 17-04-13 20:50
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- Principles of care
- Promoting effective communication and relationships
- Effective communication is needed in order to ensure quality of people's lives by addressing a range of needs.
- Some individuals may: speak different languages, can have hearing loss or limited vision, find it difficult to speak or have limited understanding.
- Others ways of communicating can be: learning new languages, using an interpreter or advocate, lip reading, sign language, makaton, use of pictures or written communication.
- Promoting anti-discriminatory practice
- Discrimination means that certain individuals are treated less favorably than others because of a personal characteristic they may have.
- Discrimination can be direct or indirect and can include: racist and sexual jokes, isolating individuals, avoiding looking at someone, ignoring the needs of individuals, excluding certain residents from activities.
- Maintaining confidentiality of information
- Confidentiality is about keeping information private when it should be kept private. ( Written computer records and verbal information)
- Confidentiality can only be broken if the individual is at risk or if the public is at risk.
- Confidentiality can be maintained by: storing all records and sensitive material in locked filing cabinets or passwords protected computers, Carrying out consultations in private rooms, not gossiping about patients outside care setting.
- Legislation to support this includes: the data protection act 1994, access to personal files act 1987 and access to health care records act 1990.
- Promoting and supporting individuals rights to dignity, independence, empowerment, choice and safety
- Legislation to support individuals rights include: the human right act 1998, the children act 1989, health and safety at work act 1973 and NHS and community care act 1990.
- Right to dignity: individuals have a right to preserve their privacy with particular reference to hygiene, feeding, how they are spoken to, ETC.
- Right to choice: Individuals should be included in decision making regarding their care.
- Right to independence: Individuals should be allowed and encouraged to do as much for themselves as possible.
- Right to empowerment: Individual should be provided with the necessary support to be able to do things for themselves.
- Right to safety: Care workers must do everything possible to protect individuals from harm.
- Acknowledgement individuals personal beliefs and identity and respecting diversity
- Care workers should try to communicate that they accept the person for who they are and what they believe in.
- Protecting individuals from abuse
- Abuse can be: Physical, sexual, psychological, financial or neglect.
- Those most at risk are: Children, individuals with mental health problems, individuals with physical disability or older individuals.
- Individuals can be protected from abuse by: Raising awareness of possible problems, noting and recording signs of possible abuse, reporting incidents to the appropriate person/organisation and training staff so they are aware of the procedures to follow.
- Providing individualised care
- Care workers should treat everyone the same and should provide care that meets each person's individual needs.
- Promoting effective communication and relationships
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