Problems faced by the Weimar Republic (1918-1923)

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  • Problems faced by the Weimar Republic (1918-1923)
    • The Treaty of Versailles
      • Land
        • Germany lost 13% of the land, some of which contained coal which was needed for the industry
        • Germany was split into two to give Poland access to the sea.
        • Germany's overseas colonies were given to the Allies
      • Blame
        • Germany was blamed for the war
        • The Allies could claim compensation from Germany for the damage caused by the war
      • Army
        • The German army was reduced to 100,000
        • The navy was cut to 15,000 and only 6 battleships were left
        • Germany was not allowed an air force, any tanks or submarines
      • Money
        • Reparations had to be paid by Germany to France and Belgium who were devastated by trench warfare
        • They had to pay reparations of £6600 million
    • Political Violence
      • Extreme Left Wing Parties
        • The Spartacist League - A Communist group who did not trust the government and did not think it would improve worker's lifes
          • The Spartacist Revolt- They tried to turn the workers' protest into a revolution but they did not have enough support.
            • The German army and the Freikorps stopped the uprising and 100 workers were killed
        • The Communist Party - German workers who were angry about bad pay & conditions, they wanted more rights,
          • The Red Rising in the Ruhr- A communist 'Red Army' of 50,000 workers occupied the Ruhr and took control of raw materials
            • The German army and the Freikorps stopped the uprising and 1000 workers were killed.
      • Extreme Right Wing Parties
        • The Freikorps - anti-communist, nationalist ex-soldiers. They helped the army against communist uprisings
          • The Kapp Putsch - As the government disbaned the Freikorps, 12000 Freikorps marched into Berlin to overthrow the government
            • They got into Berlin. However, Berlin workers protested against them and stopped work.This made it impossible to rule, they flew after four days and the government returned to power.
        • The Nazi Party - Led by Adolf Hitler. They believed that democratic government was weak and wanted one political party and leader.
          • The Munich Putsch - The Nazis burst into a meeting and forced the leader of Bavaria to support their plan to seize power.
          • The next day he withdrew his support. The German army defeated the Nazis easily and Hitler was sent to jail.
    • Invasion of the Ruhr
      • Germany was struggling to pay reparations which led to the French invading the Ruhr in January 1923 - they took was was owed to them in the form of mines factories and railways
        • In response, the German government told their works to go on strike leading to passive resistance - they paid the workers even though there was no money coming into the economy from sellinng goods and raw materials - this contributed to hyperinflation
          • Hyperinflation
            • Impact of hyperinflation
              • Farmers did not want to sell their food for worthless money so there were major food shortages
              • People who were saving carefully for years, their money became worthless
              • Some people died from starvation and others turned to crime
              • People in debt gained because their loans were worth much less than they had been
            • - The German government runs out of money
              • - It prints more money to pay workers and repay its debts
                • People don't trust the money and they spend it quickly
                  • Shops and suppliers put up prices - people have to be paid more and the government needs more money
                    • Prices rise at an incredible rate e.g. 1 stamp costs 1 mark in 1919 and 1 stamp no costs 22 million marks in 1923
  • Depression and Division - Before the war, Germans were proud and ambitious. the war made them bitter and disillusioned
  • Germany lost 13% of the land, some of which contained coal which was needed for the industry
  • Germany's overseas colonies were given to the Allies




Good outline to introduce detailed overview of the era that many students find complex

Wissal El Majdoub


this was really helpful thanks



too complicated sis

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