Liberal reforms - problems with the reforms
- Created by: Naomi
- Created on: 16-05-13 20:30
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- Problems with the reforms
- Paying for them
- There were a lot of things that cost money in the reforms
- In the budget of 1909 David Lloyd-George explained his ideas
- Everyone was paying more tax
- The budget was called The People's Budget because it raised money to spend on poor people
- School Meals Act
- Successful as the number of free meals rose from 3 million in 1906 to 14 million in 1914
- However councils did not have to provide free meals until 1914 and in 1912 over half of the local authorities did not have free meals
- Free Medical Inspection
- Most parents could not afford medical treatment if problems were uncovered
- Free treatment introduced in 1912 did not pay for everything
- The Education Act
- Little was done to improve conditions in schools
- Those in state education continued to leave school poorly educated with very few qualifications
- The Labour Exchanges
- Did not create jobs
- National Insurance Part 1
- Sick pay was nowhere near enough to cover the cost of food for a family
- National Insurance Part 2
- Only lasted 15 weeks, they could be unemployed for longer
- Was only for a particular group of workers
- Pensions
- 25p was not enough to live on
- Was only given to people over 70
- The average life span of a working class adult was much lower than this
- Paying for them
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