Health Promotion and Wellbeing
- Created by: Katie-Louise Griffin
- Created on: 08-04-14 13:13
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- Promoting Health and Wellbeing
- Health Approaches
- Negative
- Absence of illness
- negative biomedical approach adopted
- Advising of the dangers eg smoking
- expertise
- Advising of the dangers eg smoking
- Biomedical
- abnormal changes in body
- Postive
- Presence of certain qualities
- Promote health improvement through behaviour change
- Stop smoking campaigns
- Holistic
- State of complete wellbeing
- Whole society approach
- Governements
- laws such as smoking in public places
- Change or manage social environment
- Governements
- Whole society approach
- State of complete wellbeing
- Criticisms and Weaknesses
- Seen differently by different practionoers
- Contradictions
- Negative
- Health is....
- Positvely Defined as...
- Being fit, feeling good having a good BMI
- Negatively defined as...
- NOT being ill, diseased or unwell
- Holistically Defined as...
- A state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing
- Positvely Defined as...
- Health Promotion...
- Process of enabling people to increase control and increase their health
- Health Approaches
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